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Improving living standards of our people through Technology assisted solutions
About Us

Our Vision is to elevate the living standards of our people through technology assisted solutions. Our aim is to bring technology based solutions available for both urban and rural regions. We believe that we can create sustainable and profitable solutions with the help of state of the art technologies in the areas of Health Care, Education, Agriculture, etc. With the pervasiveness of the Mobile and the Internet services among interior and remote regions of india, it is now possible to solve various traditionaly unsolved issues in india with new innovative ideas. We also plan to customize the solutions adopted in the urban areas to the rural regions.

We are a Software solutions company primarily work in the Health Care field. We are passionate about Technology and Healthcare. We have conducted in-depth Research in understanding and meet the challenges that are inherent in the Indian Healthcare sector. We are driven by our focus to bring Technology in Indian Healthcare Management. Our solutions transform the way health care is delivered to the Urban and Rural Community and used to improve the quality of patient care and service delivery.
nGenCare Solutions Pvt Ltd
100, Judges colony, Nehru Nagar, Kottivakkam, Chennai 600041
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